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Created June 11, 2014 10:55
Código de ejemplo para el TechDay Bogotá 2014. Muestra cómo usar NodeJS sobre Azure Mobile Services, para proveer un API que permite actuar sobre las tablas del Azure Storage
* Created by War on 6/11/2014.
var azure = require('azure'); = function (request, response) {
var tableService = azure.createTableService("ACCOUNTNAME", "PAK");
//Setting working variables from post parameters
var cleankName = request.body.cleankName;
var url = request.body.url;
var tags = request.body.tags;
var task = {
PartitionKey: 'warnov', RowKey: cleankName, Tags: tags, Url: url
tableService.insertEntity('Cleanks', task, function (error) {
if (!error) {
var tagArray = tags.split(",");
tagArray.forEach(function (tag) {
, 'warnov'
, tag
, function (error, entity) {
if (error) {//this is a new tag
var task = {
PartitionKey: 'warnov', RowKey: tag, Cleanks: cleankName
tableService.insertEntity('Tags', task, finish_);
} else update(entity);
} else {
response.send(500, { message: "Unable to insert cleank" });
function update(entity) {
var currentCleanks = entity.Cleanks;
entity.Cleanks = currentCleanks + "," + cleankName;
, entity
, finish_
function finish_(error) {
if (!error)response.send(200, {message: "Tag successfully inserted"});
else response.send(500, {message: "Unable to insert tag"});
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